
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

We almost have power!

The first holes drilled through my brand new walls. This is the inside and outside of where power will come into the battery bank from the solar panel and generator if needed. The batteries are here, and they are huge! Hopefully they do a good job and last a really long time. There will be a small couch built in this corner to contain my batteries, charger, controller, inverter, etc. and provide a comfy nook for relaxing or reading.

We are getting very close to having power all set up, running, and the heating triple backed up. I've very thankful for the knowledgeable help I've had with setting this up and don't think I could have done it on my own. Now we just need some cables and connectors to arrive that are in the mail. Kinda makes me wish there  wasn't a holiday this week, so we could get them a little faster. Either way, I'll be living there full time by Friday. Almost the only things not moved in at this point are my houseplants which need it to stay nice and cozy to survive.