
Saturday, July 11, 2015

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Here's some photos of my garden, what it started from, and how things are looking now. Above is my veggies a few days ago. Also, I've got a new video tour of the whole area which you can watch below.

Here's what the clearing looked like when we first started turning up dirt. This was early in the spring, so all the brush was just starting to grow out. 

These two shots are after running a harrow through it a few times and pulling out all the brush and lots and lots of rocks.

My house was still sitting down the hill where she wintered while waiting for things to dry out enough to be able to pull her up the hill.

All smoothed out after lots of work! Looks like great soil.

Planting some little starts to get a few things going.

Frost covers to protect them since temps were still getting close to freezing some nights.

Adding lots of seeds. And now my house is up here too.

More things sprouting.

Tiny little strawberries and rhubarb at the far end.

Getting a bit bigger!

Then I added hoops and enough frost covers to cover the whole garden if I need to and keep the covers up off of the plants so they could continue to grow.

Now things are getting big. Here you can see a lot of strawberries on one of my plants.

These are hardy kiwi vines that I am excited to try to get some fruit from in a year or so.

Then I got busy with haying season and such and the weeds started to get out of control. Here they are nearly burying all my veggies.

I also planted apples, grapes, cherries, pears, plums, and raspberries. Many of the trees from dry rooted stock, and here you can see them shooting out new leaves.

While I have lots of flowers around the house, I also planted veggies and herbs in those planters. Above is a thick patch of kale, and below you can see my dill.

After pulling all those weeds (and adding them to my compost, so their nutrients will be going right back in this dirt), the veggies are looking good.

Some things came up a bit spotty, I think due to all the weeks of rain, but I've replanted those now, and have little new plants coming up between the big ones. 

And you can see one of my cherries that's looking like it might be ready to eat soon!