
Friday, November 20, 2015

One Year Since Fy Nyth Arrived

I know throw-backs are supposed to happen on Thursdays. At least that's what social media seems to have decided. But this is an important anniversary for me. One year ago today, my life changed in a pretty big, or maybe tiny, way. When my very own tiny house, Fy Nyth arrived here in WY.  Just a few days before, she was just a frame and then a shell in a factory in CO. 

I think this shot was from just the day before she started her trip north when she was nearly complete.

A year ago, the weather was much like today. Maybe a little less snow and wind than we had today, but the same snow covered ground and blue skies were around when she rolled in after a nearly 600 mile drive. 

Even though she was furnished with all the appliances and most of the furniture built in, she looked pretty bare and empty upon arrival!

And I had even piled a few things inside already before taking this shot. That's my mattress still rolled up and compressed from shipping, on the floor. I still sleep on this every night and find it quite comfy. And that's a bag of peat moss sitting off to the side. Ready to fire up my brand new composting toilet. 

Now, one full year later, Fy Nyth is looking a lot more homey. She's full of food, cookware, books, clothing, plants, flowers, antique chests, and other little things like home made wreaths and my great grandma's hand made quilt on the couch. 

She's lived in, loved, and comfortable. Very much home to me. I've learned a lot and gained some new skills in a year of living tiny and off grid.

The outside has a different look too. She's now stained dark grey to blend well into her surroundings. She also now resides up the hill in a clearing above where she first rolled in last winter. Still surrounded by trees and snow though. These photos are from today. 

She is so warm and cozy. I feel like the name I picked, "My Nest," really fits. I love living here and have no regrets at all about having moved into a tiny house a year ago. I don't know if this will always be my life, but I am happy here right now and really love this little clearing I call home.

It's hard to believe it has already been a full year. Many thanks to all who have helped me get to this point. Tumbleweed for building my amazing house. And to Meridian Credit Union for the loan they gave me. To my sis and brother-in-law, Athalie and Rowan for cosigning on that note. To my friend Clay for finding me this sweet spot to park. To Seth for always being there for me and encouraging me to go for a tiny house. To George and Joan for allowing me to park my house on their ground. To my parents for teaching me a lot of useful and old fashioned skills that I have used in the last year. To my friends who haven't give up on me through some rough years. And many other people in my life.

 Here's a hot mug of spiced cider and whiskey to many more years right here!