
Sunday, April 10, 2016


It's really spring! Even here in my mountain side, north facing, tree shaded clearing. At least some of the daffodils I planted last fall made it and they are sending up little green shoots all over.

In bare spots the baby grass shoots are turning green. At least three of my five fruit trees survived the winter because I can see them sending out little leaf buds. I saw a baby strawberry leaf yesterday and my garlic shoots are up several inches through the snow, before it even melted off of that bed. I just ordered the seeds I was lacking from and can't wait to get to planting my garden for this year.

No my outdoor daffys are not blooming yet, I bought these to add some indoor color just because I was craving the sight of fresh flowers.

The owls are around and I hope to maybe capture some baby photos later this spring. Robins, sparrows, bobber birds, and kingfishers dart around and call to each other. Geese and ducks are nesting. Ospreys are back in town and fighting with the geese over high nesting sites.

The eagles are flying over.

Sandhill (whooping) cranes are picking out nest sites and chatting in their distinct and loud voices.

Lovely spring breakfasts and dinners have been enjoyed inside the house.

Trout are eating and sometimes being caught just long enough for a photo.

Bugs are hatching, and then sometimes being eaten by those trout.

Wynn and Luther play together all the time they are not napping or hunting. I have yet to see a live mouse this spring and there have been none in my van. A nice change from my 2-4 a day that I had in the van last spring!

Manipi prefers to be by himself and gets feed up with how rambunctious the younger two cats are. He still takes off on long strolls, sometimes for most of the day. I guess to explore? I don't know where he goes, but he seems to enjoy being free to wander and then come home as he pleases.

I had my first bonfire of the year, despite the fire pit still being surrounded by a huge snow drift. Every day there is a little less snow. 

I hope you are all enjoying spring as much where ever you live. At least if it's not already past in your location! I know I'm one of the last in the country to see spring.