
Thursday, April 21, 2016

The Snow Is Gone

As of two days ago not, there is no snow left in my little clearing. All these shots are from the last two days. The yard is developing a greener haze every day.

This shady spot was the last to loose it's snow, and actually in this shot you can just see a tiny spot at the base of the one tree still. That is now gone. I've got my chairs and swing all back out and ready to have another bonfire. That object over on the far left in my new baby Traeger grill. I'm really excited about cooking on that this summer. I'd heard of them in the past, but thought they were probably just a fancy overpriced and over hyped thing. That was until my friend cooked me dinner on his. I was sold instantly!

The hay covered raised beds I made last fall along with my wood chipped pathways are looking good. That snow on the right edge, by the way, does not count as being in my clearing, since it's in the brush and trees off to the side of the garden. :)

My rhubarb looks great pushing up through it's mulch and I can't wait to have some to eat!

I have a few hundred little garlic plants up, all five varieties that I planted last fall. This is good because I use a lot of garlic in my cooking. They are such tough little guys that they were pushing green shoots through the snow before it even melted!

Manipi still enjoys snoozing on the porch in the sun, and though you can't see most of them in this shot, there are a lot of little plants coming up in those planters.

And we've had some stunning full moon nights. This is the moon rise across the valley from my house.

This is what my house looks like at midnight with the moon shining down through the clouds and trees.

The next night, there was not a cloud in sight. These are more midnight shots. (Yes I am naturally a night owl.) I'm always amazed to be living somewhere you can see this many stars, even with a full moon!