
Tuesday, March 7, 2017

March Snow Depth Comparison

Just for a quick comparison of the snowpack on different years, here's my house in the three Marches since I moved in. The dates are as close to each other as I have photos from. The first shot was obviously before I stained the exterior and when I was parked right below where I am now living. It was taken March 24th, 2015. Some snow, but not very deep.

The second photo is from March 12th, 2016. Lots of bare dirt, but some sizable snow banks remaining as well.

And lastly, today. March 7th, 2017. Despite some melting and shrinking from their greatest depth, you can barely even see my house! The mountains just to the north have recorded 513 inches of snow as of this morning and it's been snowing all day. The mountains just south of my house are at 211% of normal snowpack.

Quoting our local weatherman, "The long-term average precipitation in Jackson is 1.14 inches in February. The old record February precipitation was 2.83 inches in 1962. This February was extraordinary for its precipitation, with a total of 5.62 inches as of Feb. 25. I suspect a little more will be added to that number by month’s end. That now ranks February 2017 as the fourth wettest month in Jackson climate history..."

It truly is a crazy winter, even for this wintery location!