
Thursday, August 24, 2017

Recipe, Look Back, and an Eclipse!

Summer is continuing to be full and busy around my house. Things are staying green this year! Probably in part due to a lack of frosts this summer. Last year for instance, we had a pretty hard frost about every other week. That was pretty hard on all the growing green stuff, but they seem much happier this summer. So things like my cucumbers are actually producing! And I made a cucumber salad.

I also finally uploaded a quick time lapse of rebuilding my woodshed after the record snowpack last year caved it in. Obviously, this was shot a few months ago!

My carrots started off very slow, but now I am picking quite a few. In lots of fun colors!

Yes those are all carrots! I think growing different colors than the norm is just fun.

My zucchini's and summer squash are also really enjoying the lack of frosts, so I'm eating a lot of squashes as well. In dark greens, speckled greens, yellow crook necked, yellow worty, and pale green globes.

The flowers around the base of the house are also looking wonderfully full. The only fertilizer they get is the diluted contents of the liquids bucket from my toilet!

And then a few days ago, the Great American Eclipse came to visit me! A few friends joined me to watch something we'd never seen before.

I've never had the opportunity to watch a solar eclipse before and was unsure of what I would be able to capture, but I did get a few shots that I was pretty happy with!

The corona when the sun went full dark, was a truly amazing thing to witness!

With the sun back to normal, all the flowers around my place are attracting all the small nectar seekers which are always fun to watch!

And there's still some spotty fawns running around the area as well. 

Where were you for the eclipse and had you ever seen one before? I love to hear everyone's stories!