
Saturday, November 11, 2017

Firewood Thoughts

Winter is settling in around my house and I'm curious to see what the weather does this year. I've heard all kinds of predictions that say extra hard to mild. So I guess I'll just have to wait and see. :) The mountains higher than me already have almost 90 inches of snow, but here around my house it's fallen and melted back and fourth a bunch of times so nothing is very deep yet. 

I'm finding that being home more is changing a bit how my firewood use works out. Here's a few thoughts on that. 

I have now split all that wood that came from the trees that blew over near the garden, but due to increased usage, I'm now anticipating needing a little more than I used last year. So, before the snow gets and deeper, I went out and collected about another cord of logs. Which I am now cutting into rounds and then will split as I have time.

I am totally loving the slightly more relaxed life, at least until there's snow to shovel every day! And as always, I love watching the little creatures that scamper by my place!