
Saturday, January 5, 2019

Welcome to 2019!

Hello all! It's been a while since I've had time to write here. If you have just landed here for the first time, welcome! If you scroll back through posts, you will find most of the history of the first three years or so of life off grid in my tiny house here. And I am still very much happily living here, in my fifth year now! 

But more of my time these days is going to videos rather than blog posts about life here. Since, a bit sadly to me, most folks seem to prefer to watch rather than read. So head on over to for most of the latest updates. There's usually a new video every few days. Or find me on Twitter/Instagram/Facebook/Minds/Gab/Steemit/GooglePlus as Fy Nyth if you'd like to follow posts there. 

We're having a pretty average winter so far. Which means it's looking pretty white around here as the new year begins. 

Over time, there has been a few changes to the interior such a whitewash on the walls and the addition of upper kitchen cabinets.

Summer was full of lots of adventures with friends and family including an 80+ mile backpacking trip in the Sawtooth range with a good friend. 

I continued to garden and grow as much food as possible here in the very short summer.

Plants, flowers, food, and growing things remain some of my favorite things to spend time with. 

One morning there was a just after sunrise rainbow over the house!

My life here has been joined by Burley, a beautiful young English Shepherd who has rapidly become a wonderful companion. 

All aspects of life off grid continue as well. I'm settled in with a good supply of firewood for the year.

And like I said, for all the detailed updates on all those things over the past months, head on over to where there are currently almost 400 videos detailing most aspects of off grid life here in my tiny house along with just some fun and adventures. Thanks for following along!