
Sunday, October 23, 2016

Afternoon Around my Place

Around my house this afternoon. After I got off work I split another pile of wood. This fox was right below my house (like you could see him from inside) and while still cute, something is wrong with him. He looks kind of rough compared to all the others I've seen in the area and even though I watched him for a while, he never opened his eyes any further than this. I hope he's not rabid, but he's sick with something. And then there's always the mountains and things like this eagle was fishing right over the nearby creek.


  1. Gorgeous photos, Ariel, amazing really (I hope the fox is a) not rabid and b) recovers)

    1. Thanks! I've seen the fox once since, and it still had it's eyes closed tight. And didn't look healthy. But it was successfully hunting chislers that day, so I don't know what's going on with it. I was worried about rabies too, but I don't think it's that.

  2. I'm concerned that you might not have enough support on your firewood shed roof. With all the snow you get once your firewood is not up to the roof and with only that one support beam going across the weight of the snow will cause your tarp to sag and keep you from getting to the wood. I'm sure I could've worded that better but my brain is in a fibro fog today, so please understand I'm not dawging your shed, I just don't want you to get hurt and I want you to have access to all your wood this winter. Maybe adding support, at least one on each side of your middle support would help with keeping the snow from causing too much sagging. Maybe I have no idea what I'm saying and the one support will work. Think about it and please know I care, I'm not trying to put your hard work down.
    You take some great pictures!! I hope you are able to sell lots of them! I'm a full time RVer so I have no place to hang anything in my 22ft long trailer, otherwise I'd buy a couple! God bless,

    1. Thanks for your concern! I think you are right except for one thing. Where I put the wood shed, well away from the house as someone asked about, is under some very think trees. Their needles are so dense that almost no snow hits the ground there all winter. When the snow around my house was three feet deep on the level ground, I could still see the dry leaves through the dusting under those trees. That was why I picked that location, to save me some shoveling. :)

  3. Good choice then! I just wanted you to be safe and not have snow caving in on you or your firewood! I'm glad you thought of all that.
