
Saturday, July 1, 2017

Garden & Thunder/Hailstorm Videos

Above is a night time shot of a little northern lights show that appeared over my tiny house a couple weeks ago!

After being way too busy with gardening, work, and the general rush that our very short summer brings, a very rainy day forced me inside and gave me some time to catch up on some computer work. So here's two different videos from one day at my house. 

Showing how things are doing in the garden in the morning.

And then just one of the many big storms that rolled over my house later that day.

There's a couple new wildlife videos up on my youtube channel as well if you enjoy watching those too. And a few new wildlife shots just because I love them. :)


  1. Wonderful! What is the deer like animal?

    1. A pronghorn. Often called antelope, but no relative of real antelope that live in Africa.

  2. I particularly love the first two photos of the bird and badger. I have a badger who wanders through my back garden every evening after it's dark and I though I hear his funny shuffle often, I haven't yet managed to get a good look at him. I am just in awe that you managed to get close enough to a badger, and in daylight, to capture that shot! It's wonderful! It makes me think maybe I should do a stakeout someday in the woods near my house where the badger set is in the hopes all the activity isn't just once it's too dark to see or get a photo.

    1. I felt pretty fortunate to get that shot too. Badgers are pretty hard.

  3. WOW, you have just completely won me over with this post!! Great job dear, you have shared some fantastic stuff here and i love it. Keep it up

  4. Hi Ariel, I was just introduced to your site via your video on the Tiny House blog. I'm so impressed by the thorough and no-nonsense details you give about all aspects of your lifestyle. It has been truly difficult to find information online regarding living in a tiny off grid and all the specific considerations you must make. My partner and I are planning for our tiny which we plan to be living in in May of 2019. I'm really excited to continue reading through your site to learn more from your experiences. Tumbleweed is one of the companies we have been looking at. I'm wondering, would you recommend them? We're mostly looking at Colorado builders since that's where we're located. Again, thank you so much for sharing your experiences, it is so very helpful and encouraging!

    1. Thanks! My main goal is to show the real side of life, good and bad. So that hopefully others can use the information to not have to do things the hard way themselves. :)

      I have had a wonderful experience with Tumbleweed personally. Really amazing, honestly. Though I have heard some different stories more recently and I know almost the entire company including their builders have changed since I purchased my house. And there are a lot of other great builders out there now that did not exist when I bought my place.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. OMG you have badgers around! They are so badass creatures! And what i sthis amazing velvety bird featuring the beginning of your post? So stunning.

    On a different note, how awesome is it to have an actual sky to look at? Northern light, real stars... I bet it is a great lookout. People in big cities sometimes do not seem to know that they are supposed to see thousands of stars every night instead of 4 brilliant ones. You are in such luck! But you obviously know that! ;)

    1. The first bird pictured is a Cedar Wax Wing. They are beautiful!
