
Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2019 Highlights

Sometimes on new years day, I want to tell people, "you know, a new year starts for you each day you wake up still alive." Do something with it. Don't wait for some random day on a calendar to make resolutions and do new things. If it's something you want to or know you need to do, start right now. Whatever day on a calendar that is. 

That said, it is nice to look back through what happened in the last while every now and then. So here's some highlights
of life in and around Fy Nyth over the past year.

Burley did a lot of growing up from a little puppy to a mature looking dog through the winter. Which while starting out slow and a little below average, broke most snowfall records in February. If you want to see just how much of the year was snowy, check out this quick look from one fall to another.

The above photo is moonlight snow crust a bit after midnight. That's how bright nights can be here in the winter. And below is a shot from when it was far enough below zero for boiling water to turn right into frozen vapor when tossed in the air. 

The snow continued through the first day of summer!

Thanks to some huge wildfires nearby the year before, there was a record harvest of morel mushrooms this year. Which is wonderful as they are one of my favorite wild foraged foods. 

The gardens in their new gopher proof beds thrived. As did all the herbs and flower around the house. 

And all that greenery produced lots and lots of tasty nutritious food in all colors and flavors.

And led to the ability to have enough extra to preserve quite a bit of that bounty to enjoy through the long winter.

Which can sometimes leave a tiny house a little crowded and overwhelmed for a few days, but it all works. :) 

Burley enjoyed riding along in the tractor as we helped make hay.

And came along on several beautiful backpacking trips with different friends.

Like always, we saw a wide variety of wild things around the house, both large and small. 

The snow returned by the start of October and was followed by below average totals so far, but broke records for cold temps through November and while I haven't seen the official tally yet, December as well I think. 

Burley and I as always are enjoying the snow and the clear cold nights when you can see things like the milky way or the moon sliver as well as it's dark side, with Venus in the sky above it.

While there's many more, and of corse times of hardship long working hours, and sad events, that's a taste of some of the highlights of the past year. I hope you all have some wonderful memories to look back at too. And here's to making more every day we all are still alive on this earth!


  1. Good to see you doing well... Happy New year.. miss you on YT ❤

  2. Looks like you and Burley had a great year. This makes me realize I need to take more pictures throughout the year. So much fun to look back and see all you have accomplished, and wow to that garden!!!!!

    1. They are fun to look back through for all the memories!

  3. Lovely pictures, thank you. I always enjoy your photography, whatever the subject. Congrats to you for building such a good life for yourself.

  4. Thank you for such a wonderful recap of the year for Fy Nyth. The way you live your life is such an inspiration to me, and you are so right in reminding us to use the current day, any oday, to start anew. Wishing you and sweet Burley many blessings for 2020.

  5. It's not until the look back that we are reminded of what the year brought. Let's hope 2020 is the best yet. Happy New Year, Ariel and Burley.

  6. Most of all I love all the beautiful colors of your life. Looking at your pictures I am enthralled by the poetry of it all. Thank you for being so brave and sharing yourself with us. Burley is very handsome these days. His coat is so thick and luxurious. I hope you both have a grand New Year with all the blessings and bounty God has in store for you. Stay healthy!

  7. Beautiful array of fantastic photos, Ariel! Loved them all but the one of the snowflakes and their clarity of design was stunning! Y'all look healthy and "smarmily" happy and that's all I could ask for you two. Happy 2020 and while I miss you on YT, these photo 'ops' assure me that y'all are fine and progressing. Please stay in touch---you are an important part of our lives, ya know!

  8. Beautiful post! I wish you and Burley a great year in 2020! :)

  9. It warms my heart to see and read about all that you are, and your philosophy in this life. I believe you give others hope, ideas, courage and in many ways set a good example of how we all should live to stay healthy, keep our world healthy. So glad I found you and Burley! I also hope Grizzly‘s doing fine at her new home. All the best wishes from Switzerland!

    1. That's so lovely to hear, best wishes in return.


  11. Wishing you and Burley a Happy New Year in 2020. Miss you both so much on YT.

  12. Beautiful pictures and hope you are doing well..all the best ..john

  13. Happy New Year! Best wishes for a wonderful 2020 for you and Burley.

  14. I enjoyed singing your year-in-brief photos. Though I could always look through your old YouTube videos, it's not the same as seeing the latest news or happenings in your part of the world many mornings before I leave for work. What's the latest on the COPPA and other pertinent laws that impact your posting new videos on YouTube? Best wishes for you, Burley and your family in 2020.

    1. I've not seen any update from either Youtube or the FTC.

  15. So great to hear your voice today! I sure hope YouTube gets this figured out, so content makers like yourself can resume educating and entertaining folks like myself on that platform. Happy New Year to you and Burley boy!🐾

  16. Once again thanks for sharing much of your journey with us, always inspiring.

  17. I am so happy to see you here. I have missed you so much on YT. I have enjoyed watching your videos over the years, you inspire me!

    1. Glad you found your way over here to stay in touch!

  18. Happy New Year Ariel !! I hope we'll see you and Burley on Youtube again... I've been following you for 3 years now and it's still such a pleasure to watch your videos. We miss you !
    Diane Al (from France)

  19. Happy New Year........miss seeing the snow reports on yt. Anything new on the yt situation?

    1. I've not seen any update from either Youtube or the FTC.

  20. Just watched your tiny home introduction on YouTube and enjoyed seeing how you live off grid. Yikes for the bears though! Enjoy your time and be glad you started this journey while young, making happy memories.

  21. Ariel could you please email me with where you purchased the oil lamp on your kitchen counter please? My personal email is (Joanne Block) Thank you.

    1. Ariel did a YouTube video back in 2018 discussing using her oil lamps. I believe the one you and I both love from her kitchen counter is an Aladdin oil lamp that she got at a thrift shop but they are still being made. This is the link to the video or the link to Aladdin

    2. I asked the same question last month!!! LOL!!!

    3. Marci pretty much covered it! That one was a thrift store find, but the lamps and parts are all still made and available through Aladdin directly or .

  22. Dear Ariel, I discovered you in 2019. It is a blessing to able to follow you on your blog. I enjoy you and Burley so much. Your life style is wonderful Because of your hard work. A dog makes such a difference in our lives. Enjoy!! Happy New Year! Cathy Miller in Pennsylvania

  23. Happy New Year Ariel, your pictures are beautiful!

  24. Thank you for your beautiful insight and photos. Happy New Year!

  25. Happy New Year!!! I love this Post!!!

  26. I think you are awesome :-)

  27. Just going over your yearly high lights makes me miss you even more. I hope your YT channel resumes with no fear from you. Wishing you only good things!

  28. Youre certainly blessed to live in a place that is next to heaven,love youre YT channel wish South Texas looked like that. God Bless

    1. Thanks for the kind words! I do love cold and snow so it's a good place for me. :)
