
Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Late Winter? Or is it Spring?

Greetings from Burley, the wet rat dog, and I. 😀 It's warmed enough for wading in the creeks to be fun. At least for him, I am not nearly so into wading in water that is approximately the temp of ice melt. He however adores it, and begs for more sticks to be thrown in the water pretty much endlessly. When he's all wet, you can see his neat coat color, dark shaded or wolf sable. Every hair that looks black most of the time, is actually
half brown. Only the tips are dark and when they get wet, you can see the brown bottom half showing through. Anyway, while there is still a lot of snow on most of the banks, he loves this! 

A big full moon came and went. I always like the photos just after full best though were you can see the craters and such.

Bands of elk are starting to move back out of the lowlands and move higher into the mountains as the snow starts to thin. This little group came by near my home as they moved higher. Overall, for the end of winter, they are looking pretty healthy.

Birds have continued to visit our clearing. Like the Red Crossbill above with it's funny twisted beak. And the Mountain Bluebirds have returned to the area with their brilliant blue color lighting up the landscape. 

Also Cassin's Finches above, and Osprey below. This one returned to it's nest, but I haven't seen it's partner yet so it was looking a bit lonely. Hopefully not for long. 

Above is what the snow pack in the yard looked like on April 4th. Then we finally got three days of sunshine and the temps rapidly soared to 50F, the warmest it's been since something like early October of last year. And those days, combined with spreading the winter's worth of wood stove ash on the surface like you can see below, melted a lot of snow. Anything dark on the surface really helps soak up heat from the sunlight, so I do this every year. And then the bits of ash and charcoal end up helping fertilize the garden, so it's been a good system for me. Seeing the rapid change was encouraging because once it starts to melt, then I get really ready to see the garden reappear. But if you live in an area like this, you know better than to trust a few warm sunny days...

And sure enough, right after those warm days it snowed some more, re-coating the half of the garden that had just reappeared out from under the snow. 

And the temps plummeted back to near zero. It's supposed to warm back up some next week, but for now, it's not feeling much like spring at all. 

But either way, Burley and I enjoy getting outside. Today we went on another long snowy, muddy, and cold walk. With occasional snow flurries. Burley found this nice little antler in the mud. A porcupine or something similar had already chewed off the one tine, but he was pretty proud of himself! 🙂We hope you are enjoying your days as well, possibly with a little more warm weather than us. 


  1. Love seeing the birds and wildlife around your house and in your area. Doris

  2. Bonjour Ariel
    Comme d'habitude toutes les photos que vous faite son magnifique, j'espère que le début du printemps qui arrive sera bénéfique pour vous et vos activités au jardin. Profitez bien avec Burley de la Belle nature de votre qui entoure votre maison.
    Bonjour de France.

    1. Thank you! I hope you are enjoying spring there as well.

  3. Really enjoyed the wildlife photos, thanks for sharing. Stay safe

  4. Hi Ariel... I was hoping for a utube video I’m just re entering Fy Nyth ville ... so any updates I’ve missed. I just signed up for email notifications I’ve really missed you. Sending hugs. Jewely.

    1. Welcome over here as well! Thanks, I hope you're having a good spring too.

  5. Lovely to hear how you are getting on. Burley looks like he is enjoying himself so much and you describe everything so well. Maybe you should write a book Ariel.
    Sally in London, UK

    1. No plans for a book right now, but I'll keep it in mind.

  6. Thanks for the photos! Love Burley!

  7. Thanks Fy Nyth, love reading the updates of you and Burley. I hope Clay is well also, I am sure he is busy clearing the winter damage from the properties. We had some warm temperatures also for a week or so but we just got dumped on also by a winter snow storm of about a foot. You gotta love living in the extremes or move to Florida, I guess. I love it. Hope to see you in a couple months after the Covid 19 restrictions are lifted and I can plan my move out west.

    1. I hope you make it here soon too! As the snow recedes, the spring cleanup work is about too get busy. Just a little too much snow still to get started on most things.

  8. Any news on more videos? Really miss them!

  9. Such pretty birds there. We had a warm up to 50 and then below freezing again and snow, too, in North Dakota. See-saw weather. Love seeing Burley and you out enjoying yourselves in any kind of weather. :)

    1. That's frustrating weather. I hope it's warmed up a little more consistently by now.

  10. Nice pictures you posted. Keep them coming, with updates!!

  11. Hello Ariel! Wonderful to know you are well and content.I think what has bothered people the most is not getting out and enjoying the outdoors. All four seasons have terrific things to offer. I love that you love winter as much as I do. My favorite photos are of the birds. You are extremely talented to get such great shots. Never know when the little ones will flit away. Ah The birds of favs. Got to see "my" eagle on her nest today. Magnificent!!! (down river from town about 8 miles) We have several mated pairs of Bald Eagles in the area. Only saw one eaglet in the nest after Mama flew down to the river to fish. Can't tell the adults apart I just assume mama. LOL Cathy M. Pennsylvania

    1. Oh that's fun to have "your" own eagle nest to watch!

  12. Burly is all boy in that cold water. He's gonna love chewing on that Antler. The birds are beautiful. How does anything melt at that temperature. Bye, Doug

    1. It takes a while for sure. :) Probably why we usually have snow on the ground 8-9 months a year.

  13. Great Photos, Loved your prize winning nighttime shot of the sky. There are big blessings living away from the city lights.

  14. Best to you from Sweden 🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪

    1. Thank you! I hope you have a wonderful spring as well.

  15. Ariel, any update on your homesteading property?

    1. It's melting out from under the snow too right now.

  16. Wow! I hope it's warmed up a little for you by now. It's always seemed crazy to me, but the geese here usually nest and lay eggs while things are still frozen solid. About the time it all melts, the fluffy little babies hatch out. I don't know how they keep the eggs warm enough till then.
