
Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Baby Moose Panic

As the snow continues to deepen, more and more wildlife start to use the cleared and shoveled pathways all over the area because it makes it so much easier for them to travel. So more things travel up or down my lane and past my house. So here is some more captures from the game camera yesterday. Pardon the photo quality, game cameras do not have the resolution of my cameras I normally use. But they do capture things like this which is neat! Burley and I were out shoveling snow at a different house at the time, but when we'd got up in the morning, I saw this family was napping in the edge of the woods behind the house. Anyway, here's what happened while we were out. First mama moose strolled by the house. And this year she has twin boys who were born this spring, but looking large and healthy already. You can see their tiny antler buds which will turn into their first set of antlers next year. Female moose do not have antlers. But back to the photos, mama (pictured above) walked past quite calmly.

Then a few seconds later, son number one wondered past also at a slow pace. Then about a minute later when the first two must have already been down the hill and out of sight, son number two must have realized he was being left behind and came racing around the house trying to catch up. 

They can be such gangly creatures! These photos just made me laugh so I wanted to share them with you. 

Goofball. ☺ I hope he made you smile today like he did me. 


  1. I'm sort of glad that we don't have them around here as there would be too much mischief that they could get into. I'm happy to watch YOURS though! - lol

  2. I love these photos . What a fantastic treat to find these captured on your game camera.

  3. Aw, so adorable! Thanks for the laugh :-)


  4. Dear Ariel, Is there a certain wildlife camera that you would recommend? We don't need a super fancy one with internet connection or blue tooth, but we want to get a good one that won't break the bank. We live in the north part of Germany. Thanks for any tips you can offer.

    1. If you don't mind, Ariel, I've been using this one for about a year now.
      Toguard has been a great company to work with and this particular model is not expensive at all and easy to use.

  5. He sure did make me laugh! So beautiful is the wildlife and how lucky you are to see this! Hugs Brenda

  6. I’m suffering the mid-winter doldrums over here in Southern Vermont. The light, fluffy snow of mid December has long ago solidified into crusty, iced over old snow...the skies are gloomy with very little sunshine most days and spring is only a happy dream. So your wonderful photos of Ms. Moose & Sons are a welcome distraction. 💕

  7. Little does wildlife know how their presence keeps us sane. I just made that up and it captures how much I love the wild things in my life.

  8. Seems the wee lad had a panic attack when he lost sight of Mama, learn him to keep up in future. Never knew Mama moose did have more than one calf if that is what one calls a baby moose, wonder do they ever have more than that number and are there many of them lost to predators. Does father moose hang around or go his merry til next breeding season, probably do not pair for life like swans.Hope covid keeping its distance, rampant here in Ireland, think we will all get it eventually.

    1. Joe, I hope your Covid situation in Ireland has improved. Our condition in Oregon, USA, is decent comparative to surrounding states such as Idaho, Washington and parts of California. Our governor has accrued lots of haters due to business losses & what is perceived as unneeded loss of personal freedoms.Masking, distancing, etc. People don't seem to notice not dying, so there we are. Blessings to you and yours, be well, be safe, be happy! Amanda

  9. What fun to see them playing and enjoying the snow!
    I love them.
    Thank you for sharing❤️

  10. Beautiful animals (when they're docile) and your photos bring back many camping/fishing memories back. Thanks for posting, Ariel!

  11. Ariel, I grew up in the country of upstate NYS. We didn't have moose, lol but plenty of other wonderful creatures. LOVE your wildlife photo's especially the birds of prey. I find bald eagles are my favorite's. I live in a small(5500)town now in PA between two rivers.. We have two nesting pair of bald eagles within 5 miles of my home. Both have raised families to maturity three years in a row. ENJOY young friend. Cathy Miller Sayre, PA ps i just rewatched your 2018 vid on your Chevy van Gonna tweak my van search for a chevy Astro!!!

  12. Yes! Made me chuckle. So awkward and cute! :)

  13. Thanks, Ariel! Here on Whidbey Island, I have deer with very similar behavior, right outside my tiny house. I have lots of windows and french doors so that I can watch them from bed, where I mostly live these days. They are instant entertainment. Never caught them on camera, though. Might consider it.

    This brought back fond memories of the moose family that I watched in the wildlife refuge just north of Bonner's Ferry, Idaho, just south of the Canadian border. I had gone for the birds, but the ranger told me to be there at dawn to see the moose and her twins. We also saw brown bears there.
    For when you move north. Although your property is a wildlife refuge already.

  14. I have been rereading James Herriott's books. Twins in cows and lambs often required his services to help in the delivery. You never read anything about wild animals dying because of that. I wonder why. It is great to see moose with your lovely home in the background. You have a gift from your Amazon Wish List coming to you next week. Keep enjoying life! Love, Joy

  15. Great photos,thanks for sharing

  16. Wauw, what great encounter and photos. Thank you for sharing.

  17. He definitely made me smile, thank you! :)

  18. Love reading your entries, keep them coming! Wish you were close enough to meet!

  19. I've come back a couple of times for the smiles! Super cute.

  20. Oh my goodness; thank you so much for sharing! Loved this!

  21. Hi! I have been watching your videos on You Tube for a while now. I have really enjoyed them. You seem to be a very kind and thoughtful young lady and creative!

  22. we had similar experience ,,mom n babe walking through camp , , very protective and huge. we gave em lots of space,,,,, ;)
