
Thursday, November 21, 2019

Some Interesting and Different Meals

As you probably know, I very much enjoy cooking and sometimes am asked, "what kind of food do you make?" I never know how to answer this question. I make a lot of things. :) I think one of the wonderful things about preparing your own food is not only the quality and knowing what is actually in it, but being able to experiment with different ideas and flavors to make things exactly the way you prefer. So I rarely make two things exactly the same. Above is something like an open faced "egg macmuffin."  The biscuit made with freshly hand ground einkorn wheat, grass fed
butter, baking powder, salt, and a little coconut milk. I absolutely love the rich nutty flavor of this flour and could easily over biscuits like these till I'm sick. They are so good! Anyway, here I paired them with some pastured eggs, a little cheese, and some bacon on top.

The batter above, and biscuit fresh out of the oven below. 

Somedays I'm in the mood for a hearty dish like the creamed rice described above.

It's also a lot of fun to eat lots of vibrant colored foods. Not to mention their rich content of various antioxidants. 

So I made an ABC Salad with apples, beets, and carrots. Isn't it pretty?

I also enjoy using as many of my own home grown herbs and teas as possible. So back before everything froze solid, I cut and hung many of them to dry. Recently on a gloomy day outside, I finally took the time to crumble that whole pile of bunches you can see above, which is almost as large as my couch, off their stems and neatly into jars to store. 

Look at how vibrant the greens are compared to many grocery store purchased herbs! 

And finally, a combo that I often enjoy something similar to when I am hungry for a quick lunch. If you've never tried sardines, give them a shot! I and many others really love them. Plus being a rich source of many nutrients, they are worth developing a taste for if you can. What's a favorite food recipe or combo that you've tried and really liked? 

1 comment:

  1. Great photos! I subscribe to your YouTube channel so I see your videos tout suite. Those herbs are indeed GREEN!
