
Thursday, November 21, 2019

Welcome & Follow by Email

Hey folks. If you just found your way over here from Youtube (or anywhere else!) welcome from me and Burley at Fy Nyth!

 I just got a heads up that the subscribe to the blog by email link was not working which I was unaware of. I believe I've fixed it, please let me know if it's still not working. Find it near the top of the right hand side, and please do subscribe so we can stay in touch no matter what the FTC, Youtube, or other media companies decide to do. We're very glad to have you here and trying to stay in contact as I figure out what all these rule changes mean for my ability to share info
with all of you.

Also, if you were subscribed before, I would be delighted if you added your email through that new link as well, as it seems the old feed broke somehow and I'm unable to figure out how to fix that so I don't know if anyone who was receiving those emails is still getting them or not. 

If you don't know what inspired this post, check out this video please.

And if you too have concerns about how these regulation changes will affect the future of family friendly content on the internet in general, please sign the petition!

And write a comment to the FTC -

Whatever happens in the future, Burley and I are glad you are here, thank you for all of your support and interest through the years, and hope to stay in touch. 


  1. Thank you for the heads-up, Ariel. I signed the petition and submitted specific comments to the FTC. I really enjoy your and Burley's videos and fervently hope we will all get to continue to enjoy and learn from them. Best wishes to you, Mary-Ellen

    1. Thank you for the support and adding your input!

  2. Just found you about a month ago......really enjoy your content and of course Burley!!! I hope the FTC comes to its senses and Youtube can be what it is a great source of information and resources. Thanks for all you do!!!!

  3. I am so upset i like to watch alot of family youtube shows like tiny houses or cooking shows.

    1. Hopefully together we can make a positive change to what is implemented!

  4. I found your blog by chance and was led to your wonderful youtube videos. I believe that you will be able to continue to make YouTube videos and link them to your blog, albeit it wilTl be harder to find on YouTube. I think blogs are so much nicer anyways. It's kind of like picking up your favorite book where the chapters never end. I, for one, will follow you and your endeavours on your blog. So do as they ask so you can continue to link your videos to your blog. I enjoy the daily witcisms and tidbits of information I gleam. It is purposeful what you do.

  5. Really hope the Youtube thing works out for you, but even if it doesn't, I'm sure you can have great success with your blog, both personally and financially. Good luck.

    1. Let us hope that positive changes can be made! Thank you.

  6. Thank you Ariel for all the videos you work so hard to produce for all of us. I enjoy watching them and learning all kinds of wonderful things from you. I do hope that you get to continue to invite others on your journey for you are such a caring and positive person that does make this world a better place.

    1. Aww you're welcome. Hopefully together we can make a positive change to what is implemented!

  7. Hi, so good to discover I can still follow your story! Rob

  8. Sally from London UKDecember 1, 2019 at 3:08 AM

    Hi Ariel. I have loved following you on YouTube and hope you can continue to post videos. I have learned so much from you. As soon as I saw your video about the changes I searched straight away for your blog because I would really miss you and Burley. Thank you so much.

    1. Thank you for the kind words. I hope to be able to continue videos as well. Just trying to figure it all out.

  9. It seems to me that part of the difficulty you are having is that you have an adult channel that has some family friendly content. Your main viewing audience are adults that like wholesome content. Your channel is not a kids channel nor is it a kids show. The content has adult appeal, even the animal videos. The main intention of your content is adults. It is the adults who teach the children. All the content that I seem to watch are similar in their wholesome nature and those channels state they are an intended adult channel. I am not thrilled with the upcoming changes, but I am also not thrilled with the amount of fear checking a box is causing. It seems to me you have done extensive research and should have a clear idea of which box to check. It appears to me that you want your channel to be something it isn’t. If you pull your channel, you pull the channel and you are done. If you keep it, check the adult box and move on, no more whining about the change.

  10. Good to see you! I hate when those I really like disappear. And I really hope your government sober up and start up their brains. I'm absolutely certain of one thing: they don't want to stop your channel one bit. This is a work not properly done. And I hope you soon will be back at the YouTube. It is the biggest and best platform, after all. Wish you and Burley the very best.

    Fredrik Larsson, Hemi the dog and the Army of Cats.

    1. Thanks for the kind thoughts and I also hope to be able to continue with videos as well. Just trying to figure this all out.

  11. I love the first photo on this blog entry! The composition, colors and perfect exposure work together to create a beautiful portrait of you and Burley. :)

    As a side note, there doesn't seem to be an easy way to subscribe when using the mobile version of your blog because there is no sidebar on the mobile version. I was able to use the desktop version to subscribe but you may want to consider adding a menu option that would take mobile users directly to an email subscription page.

    1. Thanks! That's good to know. I don't have a smart phone so I never know how anything shows up on one. Thanks for the heads up, I'll have to see what I can figure out.
