
Thursday, November 21, 2019

Welcome & Follow by Email

Hey folks. If you just found your way over here from Youtube (or anywhere else!) welcome from me and Burley at Fy Nyth!

 I just got a heads up that the subscribe to the blog by email link was not working which I was unaware of. I believe I've fixed it, please let me know if it's still not working. Find it near the top of the right hand side, and please do subscribe so we can stay in touch no matter what the FTC, Youtube, or other media companies decide to do. We're very glad to have you here and trying to stay in contact as I figure out what all these rule changes mean for my ability to share info

Some Interesting and Different Meals

As you probably know, I very much enjoy cooking and sometimes am asked, "what kind of food do you make?" I never know how to answer this question. I make a lot of things. :) I think one of the wonderful things about preparing your own food is not only the quality and knowing what is actually in it, but being able to experiment with different ideas and flavors to make things exactly the way you prefer. So I rarely make two things exactly the same. Above is something like an open faced "egg macmuffin."  The biscuit made with freshly hand ground einkorn wheat, grass fed