Friday, July 17, 2015

Another Big Dinner!

This was our dinner the other evening. Bacon and onion wrapped ground elk loaf. And fresh kale from my garden. And some gluten free pesto pasta. It's been so nice to have fresh stuff from the garden to eat! So far I've been able to eat kale, spinach, lettuce, radishes, herbs, broccoli, beets, swiss chard, and one strawberry. 

Freshly rinsed baby kale.

Meatloaves ready to pop in the oven.

I'm hoping to get a good enough crop of basil to make some of my own pesto this year. 

Kale tossed with garlic and stir fried in bacon grease. Did I mention I'm glad I have a bit kitchen? And that I use it a lot? 


  1. Oh lovely! Looks like a great way to use up the little ground venison I have left. Do you have a link for the recipe?

    You're such an accomplished cook I'm sure you already know this, but the best way I have found to store pesto is to freeze it in ice cube trays and then pop them out into a freezer bag. I then add them to soups, stews, sauce, as well as let them melt on a bed of hot pasta.

    Michelle in Michigan

    1. Sure. I kinda followed this one. I didn't really do all the things they add to the meat. I just added some herbs and spices, and no bread crumbs.
