Saturday, August 8, 2015

Jamboree Day 1

Wow there were a lot of people at the Jamboree today! And I'm sure it will be even more crowded tomorrow and Sunday. I really enjoyed meeting some folks I've only know through the internet in person, and seeing all the creative ideas people have for their tiny homes. Here's a few of my favorite shots from the day. Looking forward to the next two days!


  1. Wonderful! Thanks for sharing. Do you know the builder for the house in your seventh photo down?

    1. That's us, Tiny House Chattanooga! You can contact for more info : )

    2. Thanks! Do you have a website link?

    3. Thanks Nancy! Sorry I've been swamped and not had time to reply to comments yet. They Do have a website. and they did have one of my two favorite houses at the Jamboree!

  2. Oh wow, so many tiny houses! I love some of the designs - particularly the eighth photo, with the shed roof, but the extra little bit (sorry, I'm not sure how to describe it!). I really want a shed roof on my future tiny, but am interested in playing around with it a bit. I like that design - do you know what the sign in front of it said? I can't quite make it out in the photo.

    1. That house is from I really liked it too. Go check out their work!

  3. Thanks for including our house in your pics! It was great meeting you guys this past weekend! A friend of mine from here in Chattanooga was in Jackson Hole on vacation & came across your blog....Tiny World! Nancy & Mike, Tiny House Chattanooga

    1. You are welcome! I loved the work you folks have done. That is a beautiful house and one of the two that left me feeling a bit envious and wanting to redesign a few things in mine. ;)
