Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Ruth Stout Style Garden Update & Plans + Wildlife

A quick look around my garden where not much is happening now, and plans for this summer if it ever gets here. I'm certainly itching to be able to get more things growing this year!

For some past years garden videos, see any of these.


And then some more of the amazing wildlife I've been able to see in the last month!

Thanks for following and let me know what your garden plans are. Or what kinds of wildlife you might have around your home!


  1. Love your pictures. Some of them seem to indicate that you are near danger. I hope you're safely in a vehicle of something when near some of this wild life!

    1. For many of the larger critters, I am inside my van. Some come right by my house too though!

  2. I saw the video last night, but glad not to have missed these photos.

  3. I have just this past fall started a Back To Eden garden, so the first plants will be going in soon. I have purchased blueberry, blackberry, and raspberry bushes, and was given 2 peach trees which I will be pruning to semi-dwarf size as per Ann Ralph's directions (http://www.motherearthnews.com/organic-gardening/gardening-techniques/small-fruit-trees-zm0z15onzdel and it's also a Storey how-to series book)

    I also bought and read a used copy of Ruth Stout's book recently so I know what you're talking about! Have you seen the Back to Eden documentary? You can get the basic idea from the first 10 minutes or so, and it complements Ruth's style well. https://vimeo.com/28055108 I thought of this for you the first times I saw pictures of your beautiful garden, not knowing you were doing Ruth Stout's kind.

    1. I haven't really tried it myself, but yes I am familiar with the back to eden stuff. I think both that, Ruth Stout, and people like Charles Downing's no dig methods are are similar in that they all involve lots of nutrition going back into the dirt and keeping the weeds smothered.

  4. Your photos are stunningly beautiful! Thank you for sharing them!

  5. As always, your photos are quite something!! How do you get these shots?

  6. Oh, and do you know what that blue and orange speckled bird is?

    1. A Kestral! And thanks. I get them by spending most of my time with my camera by my side, and living in an area with a lot of wildlife. :)
