Monday, January 18, 2016

Quiet Evening

A quiet candlelit evening at my house. I need to take some time to reply to comments and questions from everyone, but yes, I am still here. I've just been busy with work and switching jobs (still waiting tables, just at a different restaurant). Now I'm curled up on the couch, typing this, sipping a glass of red wine, and enjoying a few pieces of ginger dark chocolate while listening to the Enya station on my Amazon Prime radio.

I worked at the restaurant today and made it home late after a busy day. It's been snowing a little off and on for the last few days. The mountains are reporting 212 inches so far, so we are a little behind our average. But everything is pretty and white and the temps are in the teens and twenties above zero, so this is nearly perfect winter weather as far as I am concerned. 

Manipi is almost getting really heavy! He loves coming in for brief periods of petting and chin scratching, and has even recovered and become comfortable enough to venture out on one walk down the lane and back. That being the only time I've seen him more than a few yards from the house since he first returned near death. 

Moose have been all over the area lately. There are more healthy cow calf pairs than I've ever seen at once. Several of them with twins! And several that seem to enjoy walking around and bedding down behind my house. I also got to see a fox scampering up the lane on a recent evening. Most of the rest of the wildlife have been staying curled up somewhere, or just not choosing to come by my house. 

In other news, Fy Nyth has several new features that I need to write posts about soon. As well as some really neat gifts from a few friends. My youngest sister is coming out here for a visit at the end of this month and it will be fun to spend some more time with her as well as show her the area in the middle of winter. I'm missing my best friend Seth who's still holed up in a cabin in the south working on his book this winter. I've finally made the time to get back into Crossfit for the first since last spring, so I'm sore all over, but generally feel good.

I hope you are all having enjoyable winter evenings where ever you are!


  1. Sounds like a good evening Ariel. Misty and I are relaxing and enjoying our day off from work. Sebastian is sleeping on the bed and enjoying the new heating pad Misty ordered. Our new kitten Mina (Short for Wilhilmina..... she bites a lot, so we named her after Mina Harker from Dracula because she keeps drawing blood and Misty thought she needed a vampire name,)is snoozing on the couch with Misty in her plush cat bed. We're watching Hulu and finishing up dinner. I made cornbread and each heated up our favorite soup to go with it. I'm enjoying some cold-brewed Earl Grey iced tea. I never thought that Earl Grey would make a good iced-tea, but it does. The chocolate sounds good.

    1. Sounds like a rather great evening as well! Do you have a blog or photos of all the above?

  2. So glad to hear from you glad all is well.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi, Ariel. First off, I love reading about your tiny house and lifestyle. I discovered your Fy Nyth blog about a week ago. Since then I have been catching up on your posts and photos. Your writing is very insightful. I have lived in Jackson, WY for about 3 years now, so I certainly know how hard it is to leave this place with the natural beauty all around. I also understand how crazy housing is here in the valley. Affordable rentals do not exist and ownership seems nearly unattainable. It is admirable that you took a bold idea and made it a realty. You are living simpler, more environmental, and more financially sound all through your tiny house.

      I would love meet you and talk about your tiny house sometime this winter if possible (I live near Rafter J). As someone who has just started exploring the idea of a tiny home, this would be very helpful.

      Thanks for writing your blog!


    2. Thank you! Wow, another local. I'd be happy to meet up. My email can be found on my blog. Send me a note and we can work out a time.
